Many print houses produce high-quality, innovative packaging. Some are able to provide extremely fast turnarounds. A rare few boast incredibly competitive pricing. GPP brings all three of these advantages together for our customers.

"We are an extremely busy and demanding shop, with a multitude of high-end printing needs. Global Printing & Packaging has always delivered the highest quality work at the fairest prices, with the quickest turnaround times-even under the most demanding circumstances. With that they have become one of our most trusted vendors and without a doubt our preferred printer."
Bill Kispert
Marketing Director Cytodyne Technologies"Bayer Pharmaceuticals needed an immediate nationwide drug recal of Baycol, we turned to Global Printing & Packaging. Global Printing & Packaging printed 500,000+ drug recall letters and envelopes, and had them in the mail in 48 hours. In our industry (pharmaceuticals) the pressure to perform perfectly and quickly is magnified by the sometimes enormous stakes involved. As a supplier to 18 of the top 20 drug companies we have to be very selective in our choice of vendors. Global Printing & Packaging has consistently performed superbly and we give them our strong recommendation."
Scott Puzia
Pharmaceuticals Direct, Inc."We were printing 400,000, 96page catalogs-our biggest print job of the year. During this time we were also in the midst of moving to a larger warehouse. We gave Global Printing & Packaging the new address to print on all the order forms, which we later proofed and approved. Unknown to us, after we approved the proofs, our Global Printing & Packaging account executive took the order forms to the post office in the town we were moving to, to confirm the addresses deliverability. Unbelievebly the address was not correct -- all of our potential orders would have been "returned to sender." We needed to use the zip code of an adjacent towns post office that served our industrial park. This measure saved our company hundreds of thousands of dollars. We are thankful to have Global Printing & Packaging expertise working for us."
VP Sales A major NJ based Direct MarketerWE ARE PASSIONATE ABOUT PACKAGING.
Specializing in the printing of consumer packaging, high quality books, & commercial printing, Global Printing & Packaging provides the solution that you are looking for!